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Chimney Caps & Covers

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Monday to Sunday 8am - 6pm

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The Chimney Pro's

It is important to safeguard your fireplace with a high quality chimney cap, pot or cowl. These flues and fittings avoid future expenses, helping to block rainfall which has the potential to cause serious damage to your chimney in the long haul. Wind and subsequent downdrafts are also protected, mitigating dangerous draughts that could send smoke or sparks across your home.

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Keep Your Chimney Clear

The impact of rain and wind are lessened with the use of a chimney cap, alongside keeping unwanted animals like birds and their nests at bay. Impediments such as leaves, twigs and other sediment can build-up and cause a number of headaches long term.

Call us to talk about the best solution for your home.

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Professional & Reliable

Cleaning Services Provider

trusted & professional
fully insured
18 years experience

Gutter cleaning
with outstanding results.
Call 0402 760 750 today.

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